Topic: COMMITMENT IN SERVICE  [Church of God Mission International]CGMI ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL 16 January 2022 -

Topic: COMMITMENT IN SERVICE  [Church of God Mission International] CGMI ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL 16 January 2022

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DATE: Sunday 16th January,2022


Text: John 13:1-17; Luke 22:24-3

God rewards faithful service

Also Read: Open Heaven 16 January 2022  –Topic: RETURNING TO THE HOME CHURCH MODEL 

Commitment is an undertaking, promise or pledge to do something for somebody or a cours. Service is to attend to somebody/thing, work for, perform duties and/or being devoted to somebody or a thing.
Commitment in service therefore is devotedly attending to kingdom’s business in a manner of urgency as if the work could only be done by you to the exclusion of others without procrastinating. It is the practical expression of our love for God and man. When we serve willingly and wholeheartedly, we prove our faith to the world around us. This study will consider the biblical mandate for service, identify areas or ways we can serve and highlight rewards for committed service.

This lesson will dwell on:

  1. Understanding the phrase…”commitment in service”
  2. Examining the ways Christ exemplified commitment in service
  3. Examples of commitment in service of some Bible characters;
  4. How we should serve God and humanity with commitment, and
  5. The rewards for commitment in service.


At the point of giving one’s life to God, an individual convenants to serve God committedly. To be committed in service, an individual is totally and completely sold out to God, with one singular desire, to do the will of the Master (Jn 4:34; 5:30; Ps 40:8). God at all times should be the centre of our commitment and not man. Commitment to God should not be because of a desired miracle after which the individual abandons or neglects God. Commitment is doing for God the right thing at the right time, undermining whether you are alone on the particular course and with no regards to personal convenience, comfort, denials and sacrifices.
Commitment cannot be forced on anyone. It is a desire and act that flows from within, as a result of one’s love for God. It is a test of the quality of love, affection, dedication, loyalty and genuineness of our faith in God. The place of commitment is a place of sincerity with God and man, being devoid of all form of eye service (Col 3:22-24)

Christ’s approach to d in service was in two major ways:
He saw commitment, i.e. doing the will of the father as mandatory, to be done, and carried out without an option or choice. Christ, in equating commitment to food consumed by man for continuous sustenance, clearly showed that a believer needs to be committed to God to be spiritually healthy and alive just like natural food keeps man healthy and alive (Jn 4:34)
In Jn 9:4, Christ saw commitment in service as a matter of urgency that must be attended to without delay, clearly stating that now is day when man can work, hence the work must be done without procrastination. It must be noted that the issue of commitment in service ends here on earth; for in heaven all are committed to God. God has no tolerance nor does He condone lack of commitment to Him. All He desires from man is whole and total commitment, hence Prov 23:26, states, “my son give me your heart” and in Matt 22:37 we are enjoined to serve the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind (Deut 6:5). It is important to also emphasized the place of humility in service as exemplified by Christ.


(a) The seven disciples Acts 6:1-7

The seven disciples were men known for their commitment which was the basis for their selection. Their commitment is not hidden, so commitment cannot remain hidden. They were men of good and tested characters and repute. They were full of the holy ghost. Every believer therefore needs the holy ghost to develop the act of commitment. They were also men of the word and prayers. The today Christian in spite of the many challenges must resolve to be focused and refused to succumb to any or all sort of distractions he/she may face in being committed to God.

(b). Dorcas. Acts 9:36-42

Dorcas was full of good works and was consistent. Commitment in service to God has to be whole heartedly done. The believer must remain committed in the service to God as long as he/she is alive. Commitment in service speaks for itself; like as it was for Dorcas that her works through others spoke for her. To be committed to God the individual must be willing and ready to sacrifice, without holding back his/her time, energy, money and valuables to the service of God and mankind as evidenced in the life of Dorcas.
As it was for Dorcas, commitment in service is not for personal or selfish gains or popularity. Though the individual that is committed to God is blessed in the process but that should not be his/her aim of being committed in service. The aim/goal is to do the will of God; while the joy and satisfaction is ours, the glory should be the Lord’s. Dorcs’ commitment affected others positively, so anyone truly committed in service should influence others positively for God. Dorcas’ commitment spoke for her, even after death. So will the believer’s commitment in service out live him/her even unto eternity.

(c) Priscilla and Aquila. Acts 18:1-4, 24-26

Priscilla and Aquila were both committed to the service of God and in their circular jobs which was tent making. Commitment to God does not exclude us from being committed to our careers, jobs or businesses neither should it be a cloak for laziness. This couple further demonstrated their commitment to God by their hospitality, and patience in expounding the word of God more definitely and accurately to a fellow disciple.


(a) Church, Lk 19:13

The believer’s commitment in church should be exhibited in the following areas:
regular and prompt attendance at fellowship meetings such as Bible study, prayer meetings, evangelism, etc.
in the use of spiritual gifts, talents and potentials to profit the body of Christ
in the upkeep of the needy among the brethren.

(b) Neighborhood

Matt 5:14 states that the believer is the light of this world; this implies that no one can be committed to God and not be known as such by men especially those of his/her immediate neighborhood. This entails being touched by what is happening in your neighborhood; showing concern and care for others, visiting the bereaved, sick, needy and rejoicing with those rejoicing, crying with those crying etc. The life of the committed believer is characterized by forgiveness, love and righteous participation in the things of his/her society as he remains a practical example of Christ, as epistle written by God to be read of all men (2 Cor 3:1-2). Like Esther the believer must resolve to see justice and righteousness reign in his neighbourhood.

(c) Home Eph 5:22-33; 6:1-6; Col 3:21

Commitment to God start from the home, this is evidenced by the level of obedience that is according to the word of God and the reverence the couple gives to God. This commitment includes faithfulness of the couple to themselves. Husbands are to love their wives, wives to love, submit and reverence their own husbands, while children are enjoined to obey their parents and servants to serve in obedience and faithfully. Parents are also to raise up godly children like Abraham for the Lord. Servants are to serve well as unto God. (Col 3:22-24)

(d) Office/Business Place. Eph 6:9; Col 3:22-23; Lk 17:7-10.

Commitment of the believer should be demonstrated and extended to his/her work place. This entails performing your duties effectively and efficiently. Being dutiful involves resuming work when expected, carrying out lawful instructions without excuses or complaints; neither being lazing around nor sleeping when expected to be at work. Furthermore, it involves performing official duties without expecting any form of gratification or bribe from those to whom we render services. For those in business, commitment to God will also involve the discipline to close and go to church when it is service time, even if there is a rush for purchase as the case may be. Being accommodating and not abusive is also a show/sign of the believer’s commitment to God. Treating employees and employers with due regards and respect without cheating is also a demonstration of commitment. Both in the office/business place, the believer should do all duties without eye service but as unto God.

DISCUSS THE REWARDS FOR COMMITMENT IN SERVICE, Matt 24:45-47; 25:31-46; Jn 12:26; Col 3:24

Since commitment in service is unto God and man, God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him (Heb 11:6). The rewards a committed believer stands to get are follows:
One is blessed of God e.g. Abraham by his faithfulness to God became a father of many nations. Commitment also serves as a check from committing sin e.g. Joseph fled from Portiphar’s wife was promoted/lifted. The committed believer is also honoured by God and men. Reward for hard work as it is commonly said is more work. Unto him that is faithful in little, much is committed I to his hands (Matt 25:21,23); and lastly eternity with God (Jn 12:26). More rewards are stated in Deut. 28:1-14.

In being committed in service, the believer must put aside and drop all portfolio, personal qualifications and attributes, and humbly come before God as brethren e.g. like the wise men who were committed in searching for Jesus. The believer must refuse all sort of distractions, discouragement and worship God for who He is and not for what he/she hope to get from God, having in mind that God rewards faithful service. Jesus was epitome of commitment, (Matt 26:42,39) even at the point of death he still allow the will of God to be done.
Service to God and humanity is both a duty and wonderful privilege. God has called every believer to serve him in one way or the other; commitment is very essential for fruitful service.

1 Cor. 15:58; “Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast,immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”.

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