Topic: Communicating with the One You Love [Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 April 2021]

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But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.— Romans 5:8 (NIV)

“Prayer is the most wonderful act in the spiritual realm, as well as a most mysterious affair.”

– Watchman Nee

When we love people, we want to communicate with them. We want to share our thoughts and feelings and hear their thoughts and feelings in return. In terms of a relationship with God, this communication is called prayer. I suspect many people pray much more than they know and that they have more effective and successful prayer lives than they realize. They do not always recognize when they are praying because they have been taught that prayer requires a certain environment or form. But prayer is simply talking to God and listening to what He has to say. The truth is that we can pray anytime, anywhere—even just directing a thought toward God qualifies as silent prayer.

Short, simple prayers can be mighty beyond description, but that does not take away from the fact that prayer is also a grand mystery. I believe that the greatest mystery of prayer is that it joins the hearts of people on earth with the heart of God in heaven; this is part of what loving God and receiving His love for us is all about. We human beings are the only creatures in the known universe who can stand in the natural realm and touch the spiritual realm. When we pray, we connect with that spiritual realm and with the God who desires to communicate with us because He loves us!

Prayer is an expression of your love for God, so when you pray, be sure to spend some time simply loving God and receiving His love for you.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank you for listening to me when I pray, and help me to listen to and recognize Your voice in return. In Jesus’ name, amen!

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