Topic: “COMPLAINTS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 7 February 2020

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READ: Matthew 16:5-12

“…be filled with the spirit…Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.“ – Ephesians 5:18, 20

Forgetting led to murmuring and murmuring led to God’s rejection. God will reject you when you complain. It is important to be thankful all the time. Giving thanks is one of the things that lead you to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Just as giving thanks makes you filled with the Holy Spirit, complaining and murmuring leads to being filled with demons. The children of Israel were possessed with devils as they complained against almighty God. The spirit of death killed them in the wilderness. If only the Israelites had remembered all the great things that the Lord had done, they would have stayed in the grace of God.

Jesus taught this principle to His disciples. He wanted them to remember what had happened in the past. He wanted them to remember previous miracles and breakthroughs. He wanted them to remember the whole picture.

When He spoke of the leaven of the Pharisees, the disciples thought He meant real bread. They did not remember the miracle of the five thousand loaves. If they had remembered this miracle, they would not have thought that his comment was referring to real bread.

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