Topic: Consequences of Ignoring God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 13 April 2021] -

Topic: Consequences of Ignoring God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 13 April 2021]

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Consequences of Ignoring God

2 Chronicles 33:1-20

People all around us are disregarding God’s offer of salvation through faith in His Son. If we look at their lives, it may not seem that they’re facing any divine judgment, but we must remember that repercussions don’t always follow immediately. Ignoring the Lord is rebellion and idolatry in His eyes, and unless the offender turns to Him in humble repentance and faith, consequences will come.

King Manasseh of Judah stands as an example of what can happen when someone ignores God. Despite the example of his godly father Hezekiah, Manasseh abandoned the Lord and led his people into idolatry. He was deaf to God’s voice and carried on with this evil for quite a while. But in time God finally got his attention through a painful situation involving the Assyrian military. Humbled, Manasseh repented and began obeying the Lord instead of ignoring Him.  

Are you sensitive to God’s voice, or does He have to bring hardship and suffering into your life to get your attention? Disregarding Him is a serious matter, but God is merciful and responds to the cries of a truly repentant heart.

Bible in One Year: 1 Kings 1-2

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