Topic: Crisis Management [Joyce Meyer Devotional 6 June 2021]

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…Surely I know that it will be will with those who [reverently] fear God, who revere and worship Him, realizing His continual presence.— Ecclesiastes 8:12 (AMPC)

God has taught me some valuable lessons about crisis management. Jesus said, “Come to Me.” (Matthew 11:28); He didn’t say run to the phone and call three friends when we face an emergency. I am not against asking people to pray for us, but if we run to people, we won’t find a cure; we will only find a bandage.

We face many challenges and crises in life. Sometimes the crises are major; sometimes they are minor. To avoid living in a constant state of emergency, the Lord impressed on me to seek Him continuously, or diligently. I used to seek time with God once in a while or when my life was in big trouble. Eventually, I learned that if I ever wanted to get out of crisis mode, I needed to seek God as if I were in desperate need of Him all the time—during hard times and during seasons of great blessing.

We often give God low priority when things are going well for us. But I have observed that if the only time we seek God is when we are desperate, He often keeps us in desperate circumstances in order to keep us in fellowship with Him. God will always rescue and help us when we come to Him. But if we want to stay in a place of constant peace and victory, we must diligently seek Him at all times, as the verse for today urges us to do.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for loving me and helping me through times of crisis. Help me to always look to You first – at all times, good and bad. In Jesus’ name, amen

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