Topic: Dealing with Unresolved Issues [Joyce Meyer Devotional August 28 2019]

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If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.— Romans 12:18

We all have days when we feel more emotional than other days. This can happen for many reasons, but sometimes we feel emotional because something upset us the day before and we didn’t resolve it.

I remember a night when I was unable to sleep. Finally, around five in the morning, I asked God what was wrong with me. Immediately I recalled a situation from the day before in which I had been rude to someone. Instead of apologizing to them and asking God to forgive me, I rushed on to the next thing in my day.

Obviously, my conduct was irritating my spirit. As soon as I asked God to forgive me and made a decision to apologize to the person, I was able to go to sleep.

If you feel unusually sad or as if you are carrying a heavy burden, ask God what is wrong. And when He shows you, be grateful that you have a chance to make the situation right.

Prayer Starter: I thank You, Father, that You want me to live in peace. If there are any unresolved issues that are causing me to feel anxious or burdened, I ask You to show them to me and give me the strength and wisdom to resolve them. I thank You that You will be with me every step of the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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