Topic: “DESERTERS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 27 September 2020

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READ: 1 Kings 13:33,34- 14:1-17

Jeroboam built shrines on high places and appointed priests from all sorts of people, even though they were not Levites.” – 1 Kings 12:31, NIV

God allowed Judas to betray the Lord and bring about the will of God through the cross. But the story of Judas teaches us valuable lessons about traitors and disloyalty. Similarly, God allowed Jeroboam to break away from Rehoboam and reduce his kingdom (church) by eighty per cent or more.

Even though the Lord allowed it, we can also learn valuable lessons about how “departees” and rebels operate. This will help all leaders to mature and combat the scourge of proud and wicked men who rise up to scatter His church. The Lord prophesied that upon His departure grievous wolves would enter the flock to scatter it. Jeroboam scattered the flock of Israel and it has never been the same again.

Every good shepherd must rise up and learn how to combat the spirit of Jeroboam and the spirit of Judas. Do not allow traitors to operate freely in your system. Do not allow the spirit of Jeroboam to operate in your church.

The spirit of Jeroboam is the spirit of rebellion! After the Lord used Jeroboam to bring about His will, He passed a very severe judgement on Jeroboam and His entire family. Jeroboam’s entire family was wiped from the surface of the earth as a judgement against him.

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