Topic: Determine Your Priorities [Joyce Meyer Devotional 10 January 2021] -

Topic: Determine Your Priorities [Joyce Meyer Devotional 10 January 2021]

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You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.— Exodus 20:3 (AMPC)

The best way to determine if God is first in your life is to slow down and ask yourself some simple questions: What do I think about the most? What do I pray and talk about the most? What do I do with my time?

You see, we always make time for what we really want to do—no matter how busy we are. If you want to spend time with God, then you are going to make Him a priority.

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where your priorities are out of line. Then allow His conviction to motivate you to seek a deeper relationship with God. It is God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Who will give you the ability to adjust your lifestyle and bring it in line with the Word (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

you truly want Him to, He will enable you to put God first in your thoughts, conversations, and actions. You may need to make some changes in your schedule, but they will be ones that will produce good results.

Prayer Starter: Father, I want You to be number one in my life. Please show me where my priorities are out of line and help me put You first. In Jesus’ name, amen

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