Topic: Determining Your Priorities [Joyce Meyer Devotional 16 January 2022] -

Topic: Determining Your Priorities [Joyce Meyer Devotional 16 January 2022]

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Determining Your Priorities

The best way I have found to determine if God is first in my life is to slow down and ask myself some simple questions:

  • What do I think about the most?
  • What is the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night?
  • What do I talk about the most? What do I do with my time? 

If we spend only a few minutes a week praying and five or ten hours a week shopping, then shopping is a higher priority than God. If we spend thirty minutes reading the Bible every week, but spend fifteen hours a week watching sports shows, reality shows, and talk shows, then television is a higher priority than God. The truth is that we make time for what we really want to do. Make your time with God a priority and you will enjoy the rest of what you do much more. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 16 January 2022  –Topic: RETURNING TO THE HOME CHURCH MODEL 

What about your money? Is it easy for you to spend money on a new outfit, complete with new jewelry and shoes, or something for your house or car, but difficult to obey God at offering time? Do you find it easier to spend money on eating out than on Christian teachings and music that feed your spirit? 

I challenge you to regularly stop and take a good look at your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where your priorities are out of line. Then, allow His conviction to motivate you to seek a deeper relationship with Him. 

Trust in Him If you need to adjust your priorities, trust God and make whatever changes you need to make in order to keep God first in your life.

Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, help me keep my priorities straight. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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