Topic: DEVELOPING A READING CULTURE  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 9 December 2021

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“In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books…”

-DANIEL 9:2-

Someone once said that if you want to hide anything from an African, put it in a book. This is because it is believed that Africans are lazy readers. They could be interested in other things, but not reading. Besides, individuals are made to feel too busy to read.

New software have not helped our reading culture either, because research shows that we prefer watching movies, playing video games and browsing, to reading. Also, other issues peculiar to us as individuals demand our indulgence and before we know it, there is little time for a book.

As young people, whose minds are still sharp and receptive and who are in their formative years, we must learn to read. We are what we read because we learn more through that medium. Readers, they say are leaders; so if you want to lead, you must be well equipped with the necessary materials for that leadership position, or your potentials will be underdeveloped.

Also Read: Open Heaven 9 December 2021 –Topic: MAINTAIN YOUR IDENTITY IN GOD 

Also, what you read determines your mindset. The way a person thinks, makes decisions and relates, is a function of what goes into (the mind of) that person. So, instead of spending your time on things that would not edify you, spend more time with books. Gather knowledge on every aspect that is of importance to you. Grow from the knowledge of others as inspired by God so you would be able to compete favourably in the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.” So, the kind of books you read defines who you are and what you become. Make reading a habit today!

Remain Blessed!

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