Topic: DEVELOPING INTIMACY WITH GOD  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 8 April   2022

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to this exciting new month! Please be reminded that there is a seed of greatness in you. So, you must rise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you (Isaiah 60:1)! This week, I will be teaching on ‘Intimacy with God’.

Intimacy is defined by Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary as ‘Having a close friendship or relationship with someone’. Relationships are powerful, and we get involved in them at one level or another on a daily basis. Scripturally, it is understanding how to build and keep sound, healthy and godly relationships, and this is very vital in the fulfilment of destiny. Your relationship with God can be considered from three different levels, namely: Your Creator, Father and Lord.

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 8 April  2022  –Topic: THAT I MAY KNOW HIM 

  • Your Creator: According to Genesis 1:27, God is our Creator, and we can relate with Him as His creature. To every human being on the planet earth, born again or not, God created everyone, but it is now left for us to accept Him or not.  So, He is the Creator of every living.
  • Your Father:As soon as you give your life to Jesus, you are born again, and God automatically becomes your Father. The Bible says: But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name (John 1:12). When you have a personal relationship and encounter with Him, He becomes your Father. He is now both your Creator and your Father.
  • Your Lord: The highest relationship with God is when He becomes your Lord. He becomes your Lord when your life is sown as a seed in dedication and absolute commitment unto Him. He is only the Lord of those who have consciously and deliberately dedicated their lives unto Him; those who are ready to say “Yes Lord” to His will, plan, purpose and destiny. Those who are ready to say, For me to live is Christ and to die is gain just like Apostle Paul said (Philippians 1:21). This is the level that God desires from every one of us. You graduate from one level to another in that order. 

The question now is, “Is He Lord over your life or are you lord over yourself? He can be your Father without being your Lord. But when He becomes your Lord, you can be sure nothing can change His plan and purpose for your life. May that be your portion in Jesus’ name! Therefore, it is very important to understand that God desires an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to have an intimate relationship with Him, but you have to open up to Him.

There is no other relationship in life that compares in value, equal or can replace your relationship with God. In actual fact, we can safely say that your relationship with God is the only sure foundation for success in every other kind of relationship. It is utterly important for you to straighten your relationship with God.

How you treat God without any doubt will affect how you treat men. How do you treat God? Do you respect Him, or are you one of those that take him for granted? Do you see your relationship with Him as one of those things just to fulfil righteousness? You must relate with Him with a deeper knowledge of who He is. Therefore, it is time to seek God and search for Him wholeheartedly! Seek Him and search for Him with all your heart because that is the foundation. Remember, He says in His Word,… only those who seek Him early shall find Him (Proverbs 8:17).

However, until you are born again, you cannot create a godly atmosphere. You get born again by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If you are set for this, please say this prayerDear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now, I know I am born again!


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