Topic: Diligence is a Thing of the Heart [Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa] Above Only Daily Devotional 17 June 2020

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Diligence is a Thing of the Heart

Jeremiah 17:10 (AMP) “I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, To give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.

Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…

Revelations 2:2-3 (LB) I know you don’t tolerate sin among your members, and you have carefully examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but aren’t. You have found out how they lie. You have patiently suffered me without quitting.

Diligence is not something that can be forced on you. It is something that must come from your heart. It is a determination of the heart that eventually reflects on the way we live and conduct ourselves on the outside. Without having a designated leader or ruler, ants are diligent to gather and store up their food during the summer such that they have abundance during the winter, Prov. 6:6-8. When you only do what is right when you are being forced or watched, you are being a hypocrite. Your good works are not coming from your heart. Always be more conscious about what God thinks of you. Don’t be like Ananias and Sapphira who lied about the gift they brought, Acts 5:11. Resist the urge to compare your works with that of others, 2 Cor. 10:12. Check your heart if you are putting in your best. God alone knows the capacity and mandate that He has given to each of us.

When Joseph was in Egypt, he did not display diligence because anyone was watching him or because he was being forced to. His diligence flowed from his heart. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed and said, “… Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done,” Luke 22:42. He willingly chose to go endure the pain and the sacrifice to do God’s will. Love must be the motivation for everything that we do. No matter your level of spirituality, giftedness or sacrifice, if love does not inspire everything that you do, they are as good as worthless before God, 1 Cor. 13:1-3. When the church of Ephesus left their first love, if affected their works, Rev. 2:4-5. The Bible reminds us that every man’s work will be tried by fire, to determine its real quality, 1 Cor. 3:13. One of the things that will determine the quality of our works and our rewards, is our love and sincerity in carrying out those works.


Dear Lord, I yield myself to you right now. I am willing to do your will and to be diligent as I do it. Let your love fill my heart and serve as my motivation.

Bible in one year reading plan:

  1. Nehemiah 10-11
  2. Acts 4:1-22

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