Topic: Discover and Use Your Gifts [Joyce Meyer Devotional 26 April 2021]

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Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…and before you were born I consecrated you.— Jeremiah 1:5 (AMPC)

One of the things that happens as God heals your soul is that you begin to see yourself as He sees you. You receive His love in new ways, and you realize that He has made you special and that He has a unique purpose for your life. God has gifted you to fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you are like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your gifts. When we are in pain in our soul, sometimes all we can focus on is what seems wrong about us. It can be difficult to see what is good and right about us. As God begins to heal our mind, will, and emotions, we find it easier to think about positive things and even recognize positive aspects of ourselves.

I encourage you to start asking God to show you something special about the way He has made you. To some people, He has given a very tender, compassionate heart. Some He has made able to lead others effectively, while others He has created to be excellent followers. Some can cook, some can sew, and some cannot do those things, but they can do other things. To some, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music.

Only you can discover all the ways He has made you unique as an individual. Romans 12:6–8 talks about giving ourselves to our gifts. In other words, we are to find out what things we are good at and then devote ourselves wholeheartedly to exercising those gifts.

People usually enjoy doing what they are gifted to do. Some people feel they are not good at anything, but that is not true. When we make an effort to do what others are good at doing, we often fail because we are not gifted for those things; but that does not mean we are good for nothing. We should look for what we are good at and do that. As we do what God has created and gifted us to do, we find joy and fulfillment in life.

People who are secure and confident in God know that God has created them to be unique and that they have a special purpose. They realize that He loves them and has a plan for them, and they see no need to compare themselves to others, which is very freeing. I encourage you to be secure enough to enjoy what other people can do and to enjoy what you can do, but never try to be anyone except yourself. Say positive things about yourself instead of negative things because that will help release the gifts God has placed in you.

Prayer Starter: Thank you, Lord, for giving me gifts and talents. I know I may not be good at everything, but that’s okay. I’m good at what You made me to be good at. Thank you, Jesus! Amen

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