Topic: Discovering God’s Will [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 4 December 2019]

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Psalm 119:105-106

Life involves all kinds of choices—some are small and mundane, while others are more consequential. Including God in our decision-making is always the wisest course of action. Scripture we have memorized is something the Holy Spirit uses to help us discover God’s will.

There’s a two-part process I find beneficial in making decisions, and it can also help you with choices regarding relationships, finances, health, employment, and other important matters. The first step involves assessing the heart, mind, and will. To receive the Lord’s direction, we need a clean heart, a clear mind, and a surrendered will. Sinful habits can cloud thinking and keep us from understanding His plan. Confessing our sins and turning from them brings cleansing and clarity (1 John 1:9). A stubborn will that says, “I want my way” prevents us from heeding God’s instruction. Instead, we need to lay down our desires and commit to saying yes to His plan.

The second step is to wait patiently on the Lord for His answer. It takes courage to stand firm, especially when others are telling us what they think we should do. Our own emotions may also be pushing us to act now, but we must resist moving ahead of God. To be patient means trusting the Lord while we wait to learn His answer and discover His timing.

Discerning God’s plan requires preparation of our heart, mind, and will. It also often requires patience. During our time of waiting, we are to follow His known will—to be a faithful servant in His kingdom, loving Him with our whole heart and loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-39).

Bible in One Year: 2 Corinthians 9-13

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