Topic: Divine Appointments [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Divine Appointments [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Divine Appointments

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

Then [the servant girl] said to her mistress, “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.”
2 Kings 5:3

 Recommended Reading: John 9:1-7

It’s happening more and more frequently: Someone uses their social media accounts to put out a “Please help me find . . .” notice. Two strangers meet in a chance encounter—airplane, subway, restaurant—and then separate. Then one of them decides the encounter was meaningful, more than “chance,” and tries to find the other person. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.

Such stories illustrate a point: Pay attention to every encounter in your life. For the child of God, there are no accidents (Psalm 139:16). God may (or may not) have some special purpose in every meeting. When a servant girl recommended that the Syrian commander, Naaman, consult the prophet Elisha about his leprosy, he didn’t brush her off. He took her words seriously and set out to find the prophet. And he was healed! He, a powerful official in Syria, could easily have ignored the advice of a servant girl. And he would have died with leprosy.

Be sensitive to whoever God brings across your path today. Listen for the leading of God, believing that every meeting is a divine appointment.

There is no such thing as chance or accident.
Adam Clarke

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