Topic: DIVINE STRENGTH AND FAVOUR  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 20 December 2021

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1Samuel 27:2-6 (GNB), Proverbs 16:7 So David and his six hundred men went over at once to Achish son of Maoch, king of Gath. David and his men settled there in Gath with their families… When Saul heard that David had fled to Gath, he gave up trying to find him. David said to Achish, “If you are my friend, let me have a small town to live in. …”So Achish gave him the town of Ziklag, and for this reason Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah ever since. *When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

When you read our first text above, it may look like a normal story, but something very unusual happened to David right there. The first time David met King Achish in 1Samuel 21:10-15, King Achish wanted to kill him, probably because David killed Goliath. David had to pretend he was mad in order to escape. At this time, David was running away from King Saul. Immediately David escaped from King Achish, he went into a cave and all kinds of frustrated people came to him. Instead of forming a pity party, David raised a mighty army out of them. David then took his six hundred man army and went back to that same King Achish to ask him for a place to stay in his land. By the favour of God, David was not only given a land to stay, King
Achish made David his permanent bodyguard, (1Sam.28:2, GNB).

Also Read: Open Heaven 20 December 2021 –Topic: FRIEND OF A MOCKER?

Only God could have done this. I see God granting you His abundant strength and favour in ways that will amaze you and everyone who will hear about it. Your past experiences and challenges shall not be able to limit you in any way. God will turn your story around for good and He will give you a big and amazing testimony. Do not be discouraged and do not give up. Keep your eyes on God. Right in those seemingly low moments of your life, God’s mighty strength and courage will rise up from your inside and beyond just being strong, you will be a source of strength and hope to others. In the very same places where you were once frustrated and humiliated, by the favour of God, you will experience amazing honours and unbelievable elevations. God will give you a new song. I see both you and your loved ones testifying of the unbelievable favour and power of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

Dear Father, I receive your abundant strength and favour into my life right now. I thank you for how you are turning my story around for good.

Haggai 1:1-2:23, Revelation 11:1-19, Psalm 139:1-24, Proverbs 30:15-16

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