Topic: Divine strength from the Place of Weakness  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 10 July 2021

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Above Only Devotional

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Divine strength from the Place of Weakness

1 Samuel 21:10 & 13 (GNB), 1 Samuel 22:1-2 (AMPC)
So David… fleeing from Saul…went to King Achish of Gath. *…whenever they were around, David pretended to be insane and acted like a madman when they tried to restrain him; he would scribble on the city gates and dribble down his beard. *So David departed and escaped to the cave of Adullam: and when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone in distress or in debt or discontented gathered to him, and he became a commander over them. And there were with him about 400 men.

Immediately after David killed Goliath, woman from every town in Israel began to sing saying, “Saul has killed a thousand enemies; David has killed ten thousand enemies!” (1Sam.18:6-7). Saul became jealous of David and Saul desired to kill David. David had to run away. While running away, David met another Philistine king-Achish. In other to prevent king Achish from killing him, David had to wisely pretend that he was mad. This causes the king to allow David to go on. On leaving king Achish, David went into a cave. While he was there, all kinds of people with all kinds of stress and challenges came to him. Instead of having a pity party or simply whining and complaining about all their challenges, by God’s strength, David raised a mighty army out of them. David should have been discouraged and frustrated by all the negative and unexpected experience he had just been through but instead, he allow God to use him to give hope to others and raise a mighty army out of them. Beloved, a higher dimension of this grace is upon you right now because of the life of Christ in you. Instead of allowing your challenges and all you have been through to weigh you down, they will actually serve as springboards from where you will train, encourage and build up others. The Bible says, “When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up… ” (Job 22:29a). From prison Apostle Paul wrote letters of encouragement to people who were not imprisoned. On the cross, Jesus still reach out to one of those being crucified along with Him. By God’s divine strength, nothing will stop you from fulfilling purpose- no matter what you go through.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your divine strength that is filling me right now. Use me to encourage, give hope and build up the lives of others.

Bible in One Year Reading Plan
1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14, Acts 27:21-44, Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 18:23-24

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