Topic: Do Not be Discouraged or Intimidated [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 9 July 2021 -

Topic: Do Not be Discouraged or Intimidated  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 9 July 2021

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Above Only Devotional
Friday, July 09

Do Not be Discouraged or Intimidated

1 Samuel 17:28-30 (CEV), 1 Timothy 4:12a (TPT)
David’s oldest brother Eliab heard him talking with the soldiers. Eliab was angry with him and said, “What are you doing here, anyway? Who’s taking care of your little flock of sheep out in the desert? You spoiled brat! You came here just to watch the fighting, didn’t you?” “Now what have I done?” David answered. “Can’t I even ask a question?” Then he turned and asked another soldier the same thing he had asked the others, and he got the same answer. *…don’t be intimidated by those who are older than you; simply be the example they need to see by being faithful and true in all that you do…

The reason Joseph’s brothers hated him was because their father loved him more than he did them. As a result, they did a they could to stop him from achieving his dreams (Gen.37:4 & 20). The only reason Daniel was hated by his colleagues was because he maintain an excellent work ethic and was well liked by the king. Daniel refused to be intimidated by the conspiracy of his colleagues against him. He prayed and give thanks to God three times a day as he ordinarily would. Thought Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, God sent an angel to shut the mouth of the lions (Dan.6:3-4, 10-22).

As God begins to divinely bless and lift you into positions of influence from where you can carry out His will and fulfil His purpose for your life, Many people are going to hate you and try to intimidate you. You must never allow their attitude to discourage you or to cause you to react negatively. Keep your focus on Jesus and keep doing what God has asked you to do. When David’s oldest brother try to discourage and intimidate him, David refused to be discouraged and intimidated. He maintained his focus. He turned to another soldier and continued making his enquiry about the situation.

Nothing and no one can be able to discourage and intimidate you on focusing on Christ to discover and fulfil your purpose. Because you know your God, you will be strong and you will do exploits. Stand your ground. Keep being an example. Maintain your integrity. Be faithful and true in all you do. Magnify your office (Rom.11:13). Remain confident on what God has called you to do, value it and carry it out with all your heart and mind. God is with you. You shall be victorious.

Faith Declaration:
I will not be discouraged or intimidated by anyone or any situation. I will not loss focus. God is with me. I will keep doing exploits.

Bible in One Year Reading Plan
1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40, Acts 27:1-20, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 18:22

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