Topic: DO NOT FEAR — [Max Lucado Ministry 26 March 2020]

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In times like these, it is easy to let fear grip our hearts. Fear of sickness. Fear of lack. Fear of the unknown. But when fear and anxiety try to plague our every thought, we can remember this one important truth—  God is with us.  He his with us. He is for us. He loves us. And he invites us to enter into his rest.

We are not alone. When the storm rages, he offers us peace and refuge in the midst of it. He promises hope and strength to those who turn to him.  What is God saying in this crisis?” Among the answers must be this promise: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and I will surely help you” (Isaiah 41:10). Turn to Him today.

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