Topic: “DO NOT FORGET” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 23 May 2021 -

Topic: “DO NOT FORGET” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 23 May 2021

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READ : Luke 22:31-34, 47-62

Peter said unto him…I will lay down my life for thy sake.” – John 13:37

Teachings on loyalty must be remembered in the hour of temptation. As with all temptations, it is important to remember the things we have learnt when it really matters.

I have heard people make profound declarations of commitment. That is exactly what Peter did. But when it really mattered, Peter forgot all the things he had said. You must remember the things you say. Of what use is a husband who says sweet words at his wedding reception but forgets them two years later? Of what use is a man who says on his wedding night, “I will love you forever” but dumps you after seven years? Forever does not mean seven years! Forever means forever!

Thank God, Peter had a second chance. Peter was the most vocal apostle. Everyone remembered Peter’s declarations. All four Gospels record this incident and that is significant (Matthew 26:33; Mark 14:29; John 13:37). You must realize that the writers of the Gospel did not always record the same events.

You must remember the pronouncements you make both in public and in private. You must remember the letters you write. It is easy to write things and to make promises. However, it seems we all have a tendency to forget what we have said in the past

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