Topic: Do Something Outrageous [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 April 2021] -

Topic: Do Something Outrageous [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 April 2021]

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And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water…— Matthew 14:28-29 (AMPC)

I think it’s good to occasionally (or perhaps frequently) do something that seems outrageous. Do something that people won’t expect. It will keep your life interesting and keep other people from thinking they have you tucked away nicely in a little box of their own design. People become bored because their lives become predictable. One great woman who was seventy-six years of age said her goal was to do at least one outrageous thing every week. I just read this week that we should do one thing every day that scares us.

We are not created by God to merely do the same thing over and over until it has no meaning left at all. God is creative. If you don’t think so, then just look around you. All the animals, bugs, plants, birds, trees, and other things are totally amazing. The sun, moon, and stars, planets, space, and gravity all of which God has created—can boggle our minds. We could actually go on forever talking about the infinite variety of things God has created. In case you haven’t noticed, God is quite outrageous and frequently changes things up in our lives. He is full of surprises and yet totally dependable. You know, we really can learn a lot from God!

I don’t want people to think they have me all figured out, and although I want to be dependable and faithful, I don’t always want to be predictable. Sometimes I get bored with myself and I have to pray and ask God for a creative idea to shake up my life a little and keep me on my toes.

Trust in Him. Do something new and outrageous today. Ask God to help you be creative.

Prayer Starter: Thank you, Father, for Your creativity. Help me to be dependable, but not necessarily predictable. In Jesus’ name, amen

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