Topic: “DO THE SAME” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 6 September 2020

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READ: Numbers 11:26-29

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge”  – 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, NASB

Many who are called to the ministry do not know how to walk the road of ministry. They know God has called them but don’t have a clue as to how to progress. Many men of God do not know how to climb into higher heights in ministry. They see other men of God accomplishing great things but don’t know that they can do the same!

The road to accomplishing the same things is clear now. Don’t try to be unique, special or different. Just become another of the same kind. Use the techniques they used. Follow them very closely. Preach what they preached. Pray in the same way that they prayed. Seek God in the same way that they did. Have the kind of close relationship with God. You will surely become another of the same kind.

This will quicken your rate of advancement in life and ministry. Because you are following a well chartered road, you have the benefit of those who went on before you. You will not be slowed down by the things that slowed others down. You will overcome obstacles faster because your kind will give you tips on how to overcome them. People go faster when they do not have to experiment with things.

One day, I was going somewhere with someone. He was in his car ahead and I was in mine. When he got into traffic, he called me and told me to avoid his route because there was too much traffic. I ended up getting there faster than he did as he saved me from having to go through his problem. It is common sense to receive inputs from someone just ahead of you.

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