Topic: Do you carry a swim suit “just in case”? – Daily Devotionals By Adrian Rogers 8 October 2019]

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October 8, 2019


But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:14


One of my favorite stories is about a father who leaves his son at home one Saturday afternoon because his son wasn’t feeling well. He tells his son, “Don’t go swimming with your buddies.”

The son says, “Yes sir!”

The dad returns by way of the swimming hole and notices his son frolicking with the other boys. He stops the car, calls his son over and says, “I told you not to go swimming.”

“But I didn’t intend to go swimming. I just came down to watch, and I fell in,” the boy said.

The dad began feeling sorry for his son until he noticed he had his bathing suit on! The son explained, “I brought that along…in case I was tempted.”


Friend, don’t make any provision for the flesh

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