Topic: Do You Hate Sin? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 30 July 2021]

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Do You Hate Sin?

July 30, 2021Save Article


“Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” (Colossians 3:5)


God’s people are to live like Christ is all, and in all. Paul told the Colossians to put to death the sin in their lives. Why would you put something to death? Because you hate it. Did you know that Christians need to learn to hate? You cannot have love without hate any more than you can have high without low, or hot without cold, or in without out. If you love justice, you hate crime. If you love health, you hate disease. If you love purity, you hate pornography. If you love flowers, you hate weeds.

We are to hate any sin in our lives. It needs to be put to death. Why? Because Christ is all, and in all. What is the center of the Christian life? It is not your church. It is not prayer. It is not doing good. It is Jesus Christ. Christ is our life! He is all and in all.

  • What does your life say is at the center? Is it Jesus or something else?
  • Have you learned to hate sin in your life?


Make a list of sins that you desire to hate in your life. Make a corresponding list of how hating that sin leads you to love Christ more.

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