Topic: Do You Know Who Wrote the Bible? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 19 July 2021]

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Do You Know Who Wrote the Bible?

July 19, 2021


“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)


Some believe that there is some sort of a contradiction between Holy Scripture and the Holy Spirit. According to this line of thinking, we must prioritize either the Scriptures or the Holy Spirit above the other. But the truth is there’s no conflict between the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the One who wrote the Scriptures. It’s not the Scriptures or the Spirit. It’s the Scriptures and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God takes the Scriptures and applies them to us and reveals the will and the way of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts and in our lives. Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty. And that’s what we want—freedom.

  • Where might you have misunderstood and prioritized the Holy Spirit over the Bible or vice versa?
  • How can you actively seek to obey the Holy Spirit who wrote the Bible?


Take time to read the Bible today, asking the Holy Spirit to apply His Word to your life.

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