Topic: Do You See the Bible’s Consistency? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 24 September 2021] -

Topic: Do You See the Bible’s Consistency? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 24 September 2021]

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Do You See the Bible’s Consistency?

September 24, 2021Save Article


“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” (Psalm 119:18)


If your eyes were closed, could you tell the difference between a trumpet and a trombone? Most of us could. The trumpet has a personality of its own—has a tone, a tenor, of its own. And the trombone has a characteristic, a personality, a tone, a temper of its own, right? Despite their different sounds, the same person could play each of these instruments.

Similarly, we pick up the Bible and see the personality, the temperament, the characteristic of the Apostle Paul. Or we pick it up and see the personality, the characteristic, the temperament of Simon Peter or others. But who is behind both of them? Almighty God! Human instruments wrote the Bible, but behind these human instruments was Almighty God. And so, as you read the Bible, it’s a very human Book. You see the prayers, the praises, the fears, the victories, the yearnings, and the frustrations of the men who wrote this Book. It’s marked by their personalities, yet God, in and through these men, was the One who was doing the speaking, the leading.

  • What are some ways you recognize the different personalities and characteristics of the authors of the Bible?
  • How do you see consistency throughout the Bible despite these different personalities?


Take time today to read a chapter from two different New Testament books written by two different authors. Note the differences you see in writing style and tone. Also note the consistent message you find in both books.

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