Topic: DOMINION/AUTHORITY RESTORED IN CHRIST  [Church of God Mission International] CGMI SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE 16 April  2023 -

Topic: DOMINION/AUTHORITY RESTORED IN CHRIST  [Church of God Mission International] CGMI SUNDAY SCHOOL OUTLINE 16 April  2023

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HYMN: S.S & S 680 “Stand up, stand up for Jesus”

Knowing and appreciating Christ’s authority by the believer is the key to a victorious life.


Gen 1:26-31; Lk 10:17-24

In reality, from the beginning (i.e. when the heavens and the earth were created) God gave man the dominion or authority to control all other living things on land, in the air, sea (water) and indeed over all the earth. All creatures and the entire creation were to be subject to him, he was to have dominion over all of them (Gen 1:26-28). Unfortunately, man lost this authority temporarily when he disobeyed God (Gen 3:1-6) and as a result he became subject to the very things he was meant to control. However, God in His infinite mercies, brought redemption to man when He gave His only begotten Son to die for man’s sins, rise for his justification, conquering the devil and bringing restoration to mankind. Thus, any man who believes in what God did through His Son is restored to position of having dominion/authority to rule over the devil, demons and their agents in the affairs of this world.
The purpose of this lesson therefore is to awaken the believer to the reality of his restored dominion so that he/she will experience victory in all situations of life.

The objectives of this lesson are to:

  1. Understand what dominion is, the source and scope of the Christian dominion
  2. Know the areas and ways believers are expected to exercise their dominion
  3. Examine why some believers are not exercising/walking in dominion today and
  4. Know how a believer can maintain his)her dominion


In the Bible (Gen 1:26-28), God originally purpose was foran to exercise dominion/authority over His entire creation. When man fell (Gen 3), there was a temporary loss of that dominion to the devil. The dominion was restored to man when the Lord Jesus Christ, described as the second Adam (1Cor 15:45-49), died and rose again from the dead. Anyone who believes in Christ has the dominion fully restored to him.
Thus, the source of man’s dominion is the Lord God Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth. The scope of this dominion as it concerns the believer today is as stated in Gen 1:26-28 and amplified in the Gospels (Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19). Today’s believer has dominion, power, authority over the enemies and it’s workings/agents in all sphere of life. As the believer learns to exercise this dominion, he/she experiences victory in daily living.

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE AREAS IN WHICH BELIEVERS ARE EXPECTED TO EXERCISE THEIR DOMINION ? (Gen 1:26-28; Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19; Jn 15:15-16; 16:24; Rom 1:16; 6:11-14, Eph 6:10-18; Jas 4:7)
The believer is equipped by the Holy Spirit to exercise dominion in every situation of life. God’s injunction is that we should have dominion over all the earth and subdue it (Gen 1:28). We should therefore strive to excel in our various fields of endeavour, careers, professions, etc.
Excellence in this context has to do with diligence, commitment and dedication to what we do. Excellence has nothing to do with using crooked and unscriptural means to get to the top or pinnacle of our careers.
The believer has also been given the power and authority over Satan, demons and their human representatives (agents) wherever and whenever they manifest, whether in the believer’s life or in the lives of others. The command in scripture to the believer is “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7). The point of our submission to God marks beginning of our resisting the devil and experiencing victory over him. It is when we have submitted to God that we can use His name against the devil and his agents and experience the promised victories (Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19).
Another area in which believers are expected to exercise dominion is in the realm of prayers. We should always realize that potentially we have victory over the devil by reason of what the Lord did for us in the cross of Calvary. Therefore, we should not “lace” our prayers with subtle fear for the enemy. We should realize that we have dominion over Satan and all his agents. We should therefore pray like as people who have authority/dominion over Satan and his agents using the weapons if our warfare to pull down strongholds of the enemy (2Cor 10:4).
Believers are also expected to exercise dominion in the area of living above sin. God, by His Holy Spirit, has out in us all it takes to live above sin. We should listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and apply His word in our lives and sins will not have dominion over us, rather we will have victory over sin (Rom 6:11-14; Gal 5:16).
Another area we should exercise our dominion is when we go for evangelism. The preaching of the word must be combined with prayer for the sick, casting out devil’s etc, if we come across any of such situations (Mk 16:15-18)

Fear, ignorance (lack of knowledge), sin are among theany factors that hinder some believers from walking in dominion or exercising their authority today. Some believers put themselves under the yoke of fear. With this fearful attitude, some becomes superstitious and at times suspicious of everything and everyone around them. Such persons put themselves under the torment of fear (1Jn 4:18). We should realize that no matter how powerful a with or wizard is, he/she has no power over the believer (1Jn 4:4). Believers, therefore are encouraged to set aside fear and begin to exercise their authority over the enemy and all his devices and agents.
Also, some believers do not study the Bible regularly. Some tead their Bible perhaps only on Sunday when they go to church and hear sermons being preached from the Bible. Such believers will not understand fully,their position in Christ and will not be able to appropriate God’s promises as revealed in His word. The ultimate effect is that such people will not be able to exercise authority over the enemy.
Anyone who professes faith in the Lord Jesus and makes a practice of sin will obviously not be able to walk in dominion or exercise authority over the agents of darkness. A good example is the case of the seven sons of Sceva and the demon possessed man (Acts 19:13-17).

NOTE: The Sunday school class should mention and discuss other factors that hinder believers from exercising their authority today.

HOW THEN CAN A BELIEVER MAINTAIN HIS/HER DOMINION ? (1Pt 5:5-9; 2Pt 3:17-18; 1 Thess 5:16-22)
A believer can maintain his/her dominion and keep exercising authority over powers of darkness by living a consistent life of consecration to God. Consecration is manifested in holy living. When we live holy lives, the devil may not have any accusation to bring against us and we will keep ourselves in a position to exercise our dominion/authority over him. The believer also needs faith to keep exercising dominion. “
..without faith [it is] impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6). We must put faith in the spoken and written word. Through such faith, we are able to appropriate God’s promises and in doing so, we will experience victory in our daily living.
Courage (boldness) is very important as we desire to walk in dominion and exercise our God given authority. Eph 6:10 tells us to “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might”. Verse 11 says “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Steadfastness will also help the believer maintain his/her dominion and exercise authority over every agent of the devil. We must be steadfast in following and serving the Lord.
Dependence on the Holy Spirit is also vital in maintaining our dominion in this regard. Let us remember the scripture: “….not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of host” (Zech 4:6).
Finally, keeping heaven in focus will also help us walk in dominion and exercise authority over the enemy (Col 3:1-3).

Believers are special people redeemed by God through the blood of His Son. The Bible says He has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises by which we are partakers of the divine nature (2Pt 1:4). In Christ, we have been positionally placed above principalities and powers. Let us therefore appropriate the promises of God to us and begin to walk in dominion as we exercise authority over the enemy and his agents.

1 John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”



HYMN: S.S & S 680 “Stand up, stand up for Jesus”

Knowing and appreciating Christ’s authority by the believer is the key to a victorious life.


Gen 1:26-31; Lk 10:17-24

In reality, from the beginning (i.e. when the heavens and the earth were created) God gave man the dominion or authority to control all other living things on land, in the air, sea (water) and indeed over all the earth. All creatures and the entire creation were to be subject to him, he was to have dominion over all of them (Gen 1:26-28). Unfortunately, man lost this authority temporarily when he disobeyed God (Gen 3:1-6) and as a result he became subject to the very things he was meant to control. However, God in His infinite mercies, brought redemption to man when He gave His only begotten Son to die for man’s sins, rise for his justification, conquering the devil and bringing restoration to mankind. Thus, any man who believes in what God did through His Son is restored to position of having dominion/authority to rule over the devil, demons and their agents in the affairs of this world.
The purpose of this lesson therefore is to awaken the believer to the reality of his restored dominion so that he/she will experience victory in all situations of life.

The objectives of this lesson are to:

  1. Understand what dominion is, the source and scope of the Christian dominion
  2. Know the areas and ways believers are expected to exercise their dominion
  3. Examine why some believers are not exercising/walking in dominion today and
  4. Know how a believer can maintain his)her dominion


In the Bible (Gen 1:26-28), God originally purpose was foran to exercise dominion/authority over His entire creation. When man fell (Gen 3), there was a temporary loss of that dominion to the devil. The dominion was restored to man when the Lord Jesus Christ, described as the second Adam (1Cor 15:45-49), died and rose again from the dead. Anyone who believes in Christ has the dominion fully restored to him.
Thus, the source of man’s dominion is the Lord God Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth. The scope of this dominion as it concerns the believer today is as stated in Gen 1:26-28 and amplified in the Gospels (Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19). Today’s believer has dominion, power, authority over the enemies and it’s workings/agents in all sphere of life. As the believer learns to exercise this dominion, he/she experiences victory in daily living.

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE AREAS IN WHICH BELIEVERS ARE EXPECTED TO EXERCISE THEIR DOMINION ? (Gen 1:26-28; Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19; Jn 15:15-16; 16:24; Rom 1:16; 6:11-14, Eph 6:10-18; Jas 4:7)
The believer is equipped by the Holy Spirit to exercise dominion in every situation of life. God’s injunction is that we should have dominion over all the earth and subdue it (Gen 1:28). We should therefore strive to excel in our various fields of endeavour, careers, professions, etc.
Excellence in this context has to do with diligence, commitment and dedication to what we do. Excellence has nothing to do with using crooked and unscriptural means to get to the top or pinnacle of our careers.
The believer has also been given the power and authority over Satan, demons and their human representatives (agents) wherever and whenever they manifest, whether in the believer’s life or in the lives of others. The command in scripture to the believer is “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (Jas 4:7). The point of our submission to God marks beginning of our resisting the devil and experiencing victory over him. It is when we have submitted to God that we can use His name against the devil and his agents and experience the promised victories (Mk 16:15-18; Lk 10:19).
Another area in which believers are expected to exercise dominion is in the realm of prayers. We should always realize that potentially we have victory over the devil by reason of what the Lord did for us in the cross of Calvary. Therefore, we should not “lace” our prayers with subtle fear for the enemy. We should realize that we have dominion over Satan and all his agents. We should therefore pray like as people who have authority/dominion over Satan and his agents using the weapons if our warfare to pull down strongholds of the enemy (2Cor 10:4).
Believers are also expected to exercise dominion in the area of living above sin. God, by His Holy Spirit, has out in us all it takes to live above sin. We should listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and apply His word in our lives and sins will not have dominion over us, rather we will have victory over sin (Rom 6:11-14; Gal 5:16).
Another area we should exercise our dominion is when we go for evangelism. The preaching of the word must be combined with prayer for the sick, casting out devil’s etc, if we come across any of such situations (Mk 16:15-18)

Fear, ignorance (lack of knowledge), sin are among theany factors that hinder some believers from walking in dominion or exercising their authority today. Some believers put themselves under the yoke of fear. With this fearful attitude, some becomes superstitious and at times suspicious of everything and everyone around them. Such persons put themselves under the torment of fear (1Jn 4:18). We should realize that no matter how powerful a with or wizard is, he/she has no power over the believer (1Jn 4:4). Believers, therefore are encouraged to set aside fear and begin to exercise their authority over the enemy and all his devices and agents.
Also, some believers do not study the Bible regularly. Some tead their Bible perhaps only on Sunday when they go to church and hear sermons being preached from the Bible. Such believers will not understand fully,their position in Christ and will not be able to appropriate God’s promises as revealed in His word. The ultimate effect is that such people will not be able to exercise authority over the enemy.
Anyone who professes faith in the Lord Jesus and makes a practice of sin will obviously not be able to walk in dominion or exercise authority over the agents of darkness. A good example is the case of the seven sons of Sceva and the demon possessed man (Acts 19:13-17).

NOTE: The Sunday school class should mention and discuss other factors that hinder believers from exercising their authority today.

HOW THEN CAN A BELIEVER MAINTAIN HIS/HER DOMINION ? (1Pt 5:5-9; 2Pt 3:17-18; 1 Thess 5:16-22)
A believer can maintain his/her dominion and keep exercising authority over powers of darkness by living a consistent life of consecration to God. Consecration is manifested in holy living. When we live holy lives, the devil may not have any accusation to bring against us and we will keep ourselves in a position to exercise our dominion/authority over him. The believer also needs faith to keep exercising dominion. “
..without faith [it is] impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6). We must put faith in the spoken and written word. Through such faith, we are able to appropriate God’s promises and in doing so, we will experience victory in our daily living.
Courage (boldness) is very important as we desire to walk in dominion and exercise our God given authority. Eph 6:10 tells us to “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might”. Verse 11 says “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Steadfastness will also help the believer maintain his/her dominion and exercise authority over every agent of the devil. We must be steadfast in following and serving the Lord.
Dependence on the Holy Spirit is also vital in maintaining our dominion in this regard. Let us remember the scripture: “….not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of host” (Zech 4:6).
Finally, keeping heaven in focus will also help us walk in dominion and exercise authority over the enemy (Col 3:1-3).

Believers are special people redeemed by God through the blood of His Son. The Bible says He has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises by which we are partakers of the divine nature (2Pt 1:4). In Christ, we have been positionally placed above principalities and powers. Let us therefore appropriate the promises of God to us and begin to walk in dominion as we exercise authority over the enemy and his agents.

1 John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”


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