Topic: Don’t Assume; Ask God [Joyce Meyer Devotional 4 May 2021] -

Topic: Don’t Assume; Ask God [Joyce Meyer Devotional 4 May 2021]

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When I kept silence [before I confessed], my bones wasted away through my groaning all the day long.— Psalm 32:3 (AMPC)

We all have days when we feel more emotional than usual, and there may be many reasons for that. Perhaps you didn’t sleep well the night before, or you ate something that lowered your blood sugar or that you were allergic to. The occasional emotional day is something we don’t have to be too concerned about. If my husband has a day like that, he never tries to figure it out. He simply says, “This too shall pass.”

There are also times we have emotional issues that need to be resolved and dealt with. WE are often guilty of stuffing things down inside us rather than dealing with them. If you are a person who avoids confrontation, you can have a soul full of unresolved issues that need closure before emotional wholeness will come. I remember a night when I was unable to sleep, which is unusual for me. Immediately I recalled a situation from the day before. I had been rude to someone and instead of apologizing to them and asking God to forgive me, I rushed through the situation and went on to the next thing I needed to do. Obviously, my wrong conduct was irritating my spirit, even though my conscious mind had buried it. As soon as I asked God to forgive me and made the decision to apologize to the person, I was able to go to sleep.

If you feel unusually sad or as if you are carrying a heavy burden you don’t understand, ask God what is wrong before you start assuming things. It is amazing what we and learn by simply asking God for an answer and being willing to face any truth He might reveal about us or our behavior. Sometimes we feel emotional because of something someone has done to us or an unpleasant circumstance in our life. But at other times we feel that way because of something we did wrong and ignored.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to see and know what is causing me to feel emotional and help me to be willing to face any truth You reveal to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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