Topic: Don’t Change Your Name [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 12 August 2021] -

Topic: Don’t Change Your Name [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 12 August 2021]

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Don’t Change Your Name

Aug 12, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Ruth 1:20–21, NIVCall me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me back empty.

Today’s Word

After Naomi first lost her husband in death and then her two married sons, she was so discouraged that she tried to change her name from Naomi, which means “my joy,” to Mara, which means “bitter.” She was telling people, “I’m bitter. I’m broken. My dreams are shattered. Just let me live in my pain.” Sure, she had suffered through deep losses, but that didn’t mean God was finished with her. God ultimately turned her circumstances around, and she went on to see her best days.

Have you changed your name, so to speak, to Mara? Are you living bitter and negative, thinking and rethinking about everything that didn’t work out? What you’ve gone through may have been difficult and painful, but God knows how to bring good out of it. Do yourself a favor and go back to being who God created you to be. God didn’t change your name. He still calls you blessed, prosperous, favored, healthy, strong, and victorious. Go back to your original name.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for promising me grace for every season, and You won’t allow me to go through more than what I can handle. Thank You that You will bring good out of the unfair things that I’ve gone through. I will not change my name from what You call me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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