Topic: “DON’T GO THERE!” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 21 January 2021

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Read : 2 Peter 2:4-22

Hell…stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth…the kings of the nations.” – Isaiah 14:9

Observe from today’s Scripture, that Hell has become the permanent address of many chief ones and kings of the nations. This refers to kings, emperors, presidents, statesmen, film stars, business tycoons – the high and mighty in the society; the wealthy and the influential, the great leaders in history.

The well-known disregard for the things of God by many rich people, has over the centuries populated Hell with them. This is not to say, of course, that there are no poor people there. While the Bible makes it clear that the poor are generally rich in faith, not many noble people have chosen the way to salvation. With all the comforts of affluence, the rich and powerful see no need for God. No wonder Jesus said the rich would find it hard to get to Heaven, because of the deceitfulness of riches.

And, while we hold state funerals for them and erect monuments in their honour, the old-timers of Hell will be saying to the newcomers: “Art thou become like unto us?” (Isaiah 14:10).

I have to say this, that those who are far from God in this life, will still be far from God after death. Unfortunately, our glowing tributes will not change their destination. Neither can their wealth or their achievements buy them a place in Heaven. It should not be surprising then, that Hell’s roll call will sound like a “Who’s Who” of the rich and famous. A “big shot” society indeed!

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