Topic: Don’t Waste Your Pain [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 26 June 2021]

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Don’t Waste Your Pain

Jun 26, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Job 2:10, TLBWhat? Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?

Today’s Word

Sometimes we experience something difficult that we don’t understand–sickness, abuse, infertility, raising a difficult child. It’s painful. We were doing the right thing, and the wrong thing happened. Life didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped. It’s easy to have a victim mentality and think, “f God is good, why did this happen to me?” It’s because God knows He can trust you with it. The forces of darkness wanted to take you out, but God said, “Not so fast. That’s My son, that’s My daughter. I have an assignment for them.” And God is saying this about you: “It’s difficult, but I know what you’re made of. It’s painful, but in the end, I’m not only going to bring you out stronger, increased, and promoted, I’m going to use it to push you to a new level and help others who are struggling in that same area.” There is purpose in your pain. Don’t waste it.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that there is a purpose in the pain I experience, whether I understand it or not. Thank You that You are preparing me for an assignment and growing me up. I declare that I am strong and can do all things through Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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