Topic: Don’t Water it Down [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 8 November 2021] -

Topic: Don’t Water it Down [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 8 November 2021]

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Don’t Water it Down

Nov 08, 2021

Today’s Scripture

2 Peter 1:4, NLTAnd because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature…

Today’s Word

All of us have dreams we’re believing for, but too often we get discouraged and quit believing for the fullness of what’s in our heart. It’s easy to water down what God promised us. “I don’t like this job, but it’s good enough.” “I was believing for a house, but this apartment is okay.” “I was hoping to get well, but I’ve learned to live with this sickness.”

If you’re going to become all you were created to be, you have to keep a fire in your spirit that says, “I refuse to settle for less than what God promised.” You’re not going to be talked out of it, you’re not going to water it down, and you’re not going to let good enough be good enough. It may be more difficult and taking longer than you thought, but what God promised you is still on the way–not a watered-down version, not a make-do promotion, not a partial healing, not a good-enough marriage. God doesn’t water down what He’s spoken to us.

Also Read: Open Heaven 8 November 2021 – Topic: THE BLAMELESS VESSEL

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the great and precious promises You have given me that enable me to share in Your life and nature. Thank You that You never water down what You’ve promised. I refuse to settle for less than what You’ve promised. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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