Topic: Dreams and Visions [Joyce Meyer Devotional 26 November 2019] -

Topic: Dreams and Visions [Joyce Meyer Devotional 26 November 2019]

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Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish.— Proverbs 29:18 (AMPC)

View Previous DevotionalNOVEMBER 26, 2019

The Israelites had no positive vision for their lives—no dreams. They knew where they came from, but they did not know where they were going. Everything was based on what they had already seen and could see. They did not know how to see with “the eye of faith.”

Jesus came to open the prison doors and set the captives free. You will only begin to progress when you start to believe you can experience freedom. You must have a positive vision for your life—a vision for a future that is not determined by your past or even your present circumstances. 

Exercise your faith tonight and take a positive look at the possibilities God has planned for you. Begin to “call those things that be not as though they are” (see Romans 4:17). Think and speak about your future in a positive way, according to what God has placed in your heart. 

Prayer Starter: Father, I thank You for the wonderful things You have planned for my future. Help me to see beyond where I am right now. Help me to take hold of the dreams You have placed in my heart and move forward with faith and expectation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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