Topic: “DREAMS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 25 December 2019

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READ: Matthew 1:20-25; 2:13-23

“In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men…“ – Job 33:15,16

Joseph had four dreams in all. By following the direction he received in each dream, the perfect will of God was done. Prophecies were fulfilled and the Scriptures were confirmed because a man obeyed a dream.

Dreams are so common that many Christians have grown up not respecting dreams as a valid method by which God leads us. We seem to think that after all, we had all kinds of dreams as children and also as unbelievers, and we wonder how God can lead us through dreams.

Surprisingly, God’s Word teaches us that the coming of the Holy Spirit will bring dreams into our lives (Acts 2:17).

You can see from this Scripture that dreams come as a direct result of the presence of the Holy Spirit. From today, do not take dreams lightly! This however, does not discount the fact that dreams can come from sources other than the Holy Spirit, but what must be established in your heart is the reality that many dreams are the result of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In the book of Job, God reveals that He speaks in dreams when He cannot get our attention. There are times when God may speak to us, but we don’t seem to hear Him: “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” (Job 33:14). An unusual dream is always something that gets our attention (Job 33:15-16). Sometimes you wake up in the morning with an unusual dream. It may be that God is trying to get your attention. From today , do not despise dreams.

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