Topic: Eliminate Worry from Your Vocabulary [Joyce Meyer Devotional 10 October 2021] -

Topic: Eliminate Worry from Your Vocabulary [Joyce Meyer Devotional 10 October 2021]

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Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?— Matthew 6:25, 27 (NIV)View Previous Devotional OCTOBER 10, 2021

Eliminate Worry from Your Vocabulary

I wonder how many times the statement “I’m worried about . . .” is spoken each day. Millions of people use this phrase, but what is the point of it? Does worry change anything? No. So why keep doing it?

Start listening to yourself and other people, and each time you hear “I’m worried,” say to yourself, worry is useless, and I refuse to do it. If we thoroughly realize the foolishness of it, maybe we will stop saying it and doing it.

Instead of saying, “I’m worried,” replace those negative, useless words with “I trust God.” When you say you trust God, His power is released to work in your life. Study God’s Word, remember His faithfulness to you in past situations, and be determined to stop wasting your time worrying.

Prayer Starter: Father, I trust you to help me not waste time worrying over things only You can fix! In Jesus’ name, amen

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