Topic: Enjoy Life as You Grow [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2020] -

Topic: Enjoy Life as You Grow [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2020]

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You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect.— Matthew 5:48 (AMPC)

Being perfect sounds good, but trust me—it’s not reality. Reality is that every one of us is a human being, and no matter how hard we try to be perfect, we’ll still make mistakes sometimes. Our hearts can be perfect toward God, but our performance will never be perfect as long as we’re on earth, and that’s okay.

You are legally and positionally perfect in Christ, but experientially, you’re in the process of changing every day from glory to glory. It’s a growing process, and it takes time.

Struggling for perfection to gain acceptance and approval from God or others only brings frustration and never-ending exhaustion. And it isn’t necessary, because Jesus accepts you just as you are. He will never pressure you to perform, or demand something of you that you don’t know how to give. So just do your best . . . and enjoy life while you’re maturing.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me be more patient with myself, and to learn to enjoy the growing process. Thank You for being patient with me as I’m maturing. In Jesus’ Name, amen

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