Topic: ENJOYING MARITAL BLISS(1)  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 22 February  2022

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Dear Reader,

Calvary greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. In the light of God’s Word, this month, I shall be examining the topic ‘Enjoying Marital Bliss’.  There are certain tools to put in place to enjoy a blissful marriage. Therefore, this week, I will be teaching on: ‘The Tool of Wisdom’.

To handle the issues confronting you in your home, you need wisdom. The Word God says, Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7).

What then is wisdom? Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. That implies that it is quite possible to apply knowledge wrongly. When this is so, the situation becomes worse. Wisdom is not one of the principal things but the principal thing.

Wisdom is required to enjoy the peace, success, fulfilment and excitement God has destined for you. Some time ago, someone told me that she and her husband had some issues with her husband relatives. So, one day, they decided to go and bear their minds to those relatives. By the time they finished their discussion, there was more trouble ‘on ground’ than they could handle. The more they spoke, the more issues kept coming up.  

You cannot separate a man’s wisdom from the words he speaks. It is easy to know whether someone is wise or foolish when he or she speaks. A lot of people get into trouble in their homes not because they do not know the right thing to say, but because they say it at the wrong time and in the wrong place. So, instead of bringing solutions, it causes more trouble. The Word says, A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards (Proverbs 29:11). Life can be pleasant when you operate in the wisdom of God. Even when difficulty comes your way, this wisdom tells you it is not beyond you (1 Corinthians 10:13). Today, many homes are going through tension, not because the husband and wife are not born again or baptised in the Holy Spirit, but because they lack wisdom (Proverbs11:29).

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 22 February  2022  –Topic: BENEFITS OF A LOCKDOWN I 

Below is a testimony of a sister who applied the wisdom of God:

For seventeen years and eleven months, I had broken marriage. However, on 21st December 1996, I met with Bishop David Oyedepo for the purpose of restoration. He sanctified my bottle of Oil, with which I anointed my husband’s picture. Also, my daughter anointed her father’s picture and Bishop David Oyedepo made a prophetic utterance that every satanic war in the home had come to an end. Thereafter, his mind began to be drawn towards the family to be reunited with us. Then he sent our last daughter with a note informing us of his desire to visit. When he came home, we both embraced each other and wept on each other’s shoulder. He said to me, ‘Darling, I am back, please forgive me’. God has finally restored my marriage. I give God all the glory! — Fatoyinbo V.

Many people have gone through divorce because they were victims of foolishness. You will not be a victim in Jesus’ name! Therefore, to access divine wisdom, you need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If you are not born again, please say this prayerDear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Now, I know I am born again!

Click To Read Powerful Devotional:

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