Topic: Every Christian Is a Minister [RICK WARREN Devotional 3 June 2021]

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Every Christian Is a Minister

“You come to him as living stones, a spiritual house that is being built into a holy priesthood.”

1 Peter 2:5 (GW)God says you are a priest. Depending on your background, that may be scary, confusing, or exciting to you.

In the Bible, Peter says, “You come to him as living stones, a spiritual house that is being built into a holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5 GW). What he means is this: The spiritual benefits that priests have are now available to everyone who is a believer.

In the Old Testament, priests did two things.

First, they had the right, privilege, and responsibility to go directly to God. They could talk to God, worship God, and fellowship with God. Everyone else had to go through them.

Second, priests had the privilege and responsibility of representing God to the people and of ministering to the needs of the people—by serving them.

When you become a believer, those two things are true of you, too.

You have direct access to God. You don’t have to go through someone else to pray, confess, or fellowship with God. You can read your Bible, talk with the Lord, and fellowship directly with him.

In the biblical temple, a veil separated the Holy of Holies (where God’s Spirit was) from where people were allowed. Only priests could go behind that veil, and that just happened once a year. When Jesus died on the cross, God ripped that veil—about 70 feet—from top to bottom, symbolizing that there is no longer a barrier between God and people.

As a believer, in addition to having direct access to God, you also have been gifted for ministry—to serve other people. Every Christian isn’t a pastor, but every Christian is a minister.

Can you be a minister in a sales office? Absolutely. Can you be a minister as an accountant? Of course. Driving a truck? Sure. Any time you’re helping other people in God’s name, you’re ministering.

The next time you’re struggling to know who you are, remember that you are a priest! You have access to God and the privilege of ministering to people.

  • Have you thought of yourself as a priest before? How is that image helpful or difficult for you?
  • How are you making the most of your direct access to God?
  • What are your talents, gifts, and abilities? How are you using them to minister?

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