Topic: “EVIL PRESENCE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 29 November 2019

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READ: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

“…And thou holdest fast my name and hast not denied my faith…where Satan dwelleth.“ – Revelation 2:12,13

The devil is not omnipresent; he is in one place at a time. In Bible times, John identified the home and seat of the devil. He wrote a letter, which revealed that Satan’s home was a city , called Pergamos.

Principalities love to dominate areas with their evil presence. In Ghana for instance, there are certain harbour cities that are well known for their immorality . There are also regions in Ghana notorious for their quarrelling and cantankerous nature. Other sections are known for witchcraft and voodoo. Some parts of the country are known for their violence and murderous tendencies. There are even sections of some roads, which are inhabited by evil spirits; demons of accident and tragedy inhabit trees along the roads.

When you move into a new house, you must always sanctify it and rid it of evil spirits. A spirit of divorce may have been dwelling in a house that you have just moved into. Unexplainable quarrels may begin to occur after you move into this apartment. I have known of people who had happy marriages until they moved to certain countries or homes. Thereafter, their marriages deteriorated rapidly.

Whenever I enter a hotel room, I pray and sanctify it before I settle in. Sometimes, I lay hands on the bed and cast evil spirits out of the ceiling. No one knows what has gone on in that room before I went there. When you move into a new physical location, it is your spiritual duty to assess what kind of spiritual presence pertains there.

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