Topic: Exodus 40:9 [John Hagee Devotional 4 June 2020] -

Topic: Exodus 40:9 [John Hagee Devotional 4 June 2020]

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And you shall take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it; and you shall hallow it and all its utensils, and it shall be holy

As Moses and the children of Israel completed the Tabernacle of God, He commanded Moses to anoint the tabernacle and everything that was in it.  

Every curtain, piece of furniture, article of clothing, and the priest was anointed with the oil of God. Without that anointing, nothing could be used for God’s purposes, could be close to God’s presence, or experience God’s power.  His anointing sanctified the common and made it holy.  

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day relinquished the anointing for man-made rules and empty traditions. Jesus called them white-washed tombs full of dead men’s bones. Outwardly, they had an appearance of religion, but their very lives denied the validity of its power (II Timothy 3:5). They preferred the prestige and comfort of their position over the true presence of God in their lives.  

Have we exchanged our pride for His power? What separates our church services from mere social gatherings? The anointing! Without it, there is no power to see the prodigals come home, to break the chains of addiction, or for the impossible to become reality.  

There is no substitute for the anointing of God! It is not optional. The anointing brings power and life and an explosion of abundance. 


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May the anointing of God be poured into you! May it draw you into His presence to experience His power and fulfill His purpose in your life.

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

2 Samuel 22:21-23:23

New Testament

Acts 2:1-47

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 122:1-9

Proverbs 16:19-20

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