Topic: Expansion by Wise Counsel [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 7 October 2021 -

Topic: Expansion by Wise Counsel  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 7 October 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional

Expansion by Wise Counsel

Exodus 18:17-22a (LB)
“It’s not right!” his father-in-law exclaimed. “You’re going to wear yourself out…Moses, this job is too heavy a burden for you to try to handle all by yourself.…let me give you a word of advice, and God will bless you: …“Find some capable, godly, honest men who hate bribes, and appoint them as judges, … Let these men be responsible to serve the people with justice at all times. Anything that is too important or complicated can be brought to you. But the smaller matters they can take care of themselves.

God wants you to enlarge the place of your tent (your vision and capacity) because you are going to break forth on the right and on the left, (Isa.54:2-3). However, it is possible to be zealous about what you are doing but still ignorant of many things that can make you more effective, (Romans 10:2). This is why you should be desirous of knowledge and wise counsel in whatever you are engaged in. Moses was zealous and passionate about doing what God had asked him to do, but somehow it never occurred to him that there was need for him to empower some of the Israelites to become leaders under him to bear the burden of leadership with him.

Do you know that much later, God Himself had to tell Moses to choose seventy leaders so He could put some of the Spirit on Moses upon them so they could bear the burden of the people with him? (Numb.11:16-17). Despite how zealous Moses was, God did not want him to bear the burden of the people alone as that was not wise. That was why God used Jethro (Moses’ father in-law) to give Moses counsel in our text above. I thank God the Bible says that Moses took the counsel that Jethro gave him. Even with this, Moses was still under so much pressure. Imagine what would have happened if he did not have people bearing the burden with him.

When the apostles chose deacons to assist in the sharing of food, it led to an increase in the word of God and a multiplication of disciples, (Acts 6:1-7). Today, God will send wise counsel to you that will enlarge and expand your capacity, effectiveness and influence.

Heavenly Father, I am hungry for knowledge and wise counsel that will lead to growth and expansion of my capacity and effectiveness.

Jeremiah8:8-9:26, Colossians3:1-17, Psalm 78:32-55 & Proverbs 24:27.

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