Topic: EXPERIENCING GOD’S FAVOR [Charles Stanley Ministry 2019]

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Confidence in the Faithfulness of God

God’s favor was poured out on us at salvation when our sins were forgiven, and it is further displayed by the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit who seals us as His children. His favor is a fact, but it’s also something we can experience on a daily basis as we walk in it.

After salvation, we should see the evidence of God’s favor working in our conversation, character, and conduct as we walk in the fullness of His Spirit. Our lifestyles and habits should indicate to those around us that we have the favor of God. Instead of fretting over the  circumstances in our lives, we can have confidence in His presence with us and His faithfulness in answering our prayers.

In Psalm 32:8, God makes these promises:

“I will instruct you.” The Lord gives us insight and understanding of His Word so we will know how to live our daily lives.

I will “teach you in the way which you should go.” We don’t know what a day holds, but God does, and He will guide us throughout the day.

“I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” Every day we make decisions and encounter situations that challenge us because we don’t know what to do. What we need is personal direction from the Lord, and He will be faithful to provide it if we will listen. Because He loves us and wants us to obey His will, God continually gives us counsel through His Holy Spirit, who is our internal guide and director.

One of the evidences of God’s favor is His willingness to communicate with us. And our willingness to learn to listen to Him is essential for our obedience to His will. One of the first  lessons we learned as children was to listen to our parents, and that’s exactly what we need to do in our relationship with our heavenly Father. If all we do is talk to Him in prayer without listening to Him, we won’t know His will for us.

Are you listening to the Lord’s guidance in your life? Take the time to stop and listen—you may be pleasantly surprised by what you hear.

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