Topic: Faithful Service [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 1 August 2020]

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Faithful Service

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

It’s easy to doubt our ability to serve God when our minds are focused on our limitations instead of Him. Therefore, we must continually remind ourselves that the work is the Lord’s and we can trust Him to accomplish it through us as we respond in faith and obedience. 

Our heavenly Father has good works that He has prepared for each of us to do (Eph. 2:10). To help us accomplish them, He has given spiritual gifts to enable our service to one another. Furthermore, He has provided scriptural principles to guide us. In His Word, we find direction for our path, strength to endure hardships, and increased faith and confidence in God’s sufficiency.

Are you reluctant to serve the Lord because you’re afraid or feel inadequate? Even the apostle Paul felt this way when he said, “Who is adequate for these things?” (2 Corinthians 2:16). But he pressed on in order to complete the course Christ had called him to run (2 Timothy 4:7). And so can you if you are willing to depend on God and step out in obedience. Let’s take a moment to pray over our temptation to be self-sufficient—and for courage to rely on the Lord.

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 40-42

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