Topic: “FATHERLY HEART” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 7 April 2020 -

Topic: “FATHERLY HEART” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 7 April 2020

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READ: Matthew 6:6-15

“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” – Luke 6:36

A father has a lot of patience. Anyone who has a lot of patience will have a lot of children. Fathers are able to wait for people to change and improve. A father will be there when the change finally comes. Fathers have space in their hearts for all sorts of people. They can see that after several falls, a shining star will be born.

That is why the prodigal son’s father called for the best robe and for a ring to be brought out for the wretched returnee. Notice how the elder brother, who had no fathering abilities, was angered by the return of his brother!

The fathering heart has big latitude to accommodate all sorts of excursions made by potential sons and daughters. If our Heavenly Father did not have this heart of love, which of us would be a son today?

A father provides for his children. This role of a father is seen in the Lord’s Prayer, where we ask our Father to give us daily bread. We also ask Him to deliver us from evil and to help us. A real father helps and provides. Providing for children is the main duty of a father.

Receiving honour and gifts is not the main function of a father. If you are fortunate, some of your children will remember and honour you. Receiving honour and gifts is simply a privilege that you may or may not receive as a father. Fathers must provide direction! Fathers must provide protection! Fathers must provide for the needs of their children.

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