Topic: FEELING A LITTLE BEAT UP BY 2020? – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 31 December 2020

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“…the water I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” – John 4:14

December 31, 2020

If you’ve ever traveled through the desert, you’ll notice mile after mile of a dry and barren landscape. Until suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, there’s a patch of green: thriving trees, bushes, and flowering plants. There’s a water source somewhere close. With water, even the driest desert blossoms and comes to life.

The same is true in our lives. Without God, we tend to dry up when life gets hard. Before we know it, all our energy, creativity, and drive evaporates. Over time, this sentiment can grow, bringing with it feelings of burnout, exhaustion, and an all-around sense of being completely dried up. But Jesus offers us hope because, in a dry and dying world, Jesus is life!

“I am living water,” Jesus says. “Anyone who accepts me will never be thirsty again.” Now, Jesus wasn’t talking about physical thirst, but about satisfying our spiritual thirst so we can blossom back to life.

What about you? As 2020 comes to a close, many of us are just plain exhausted. From unexpected health, career, and financial challenges, to pivoting our day to day ‘normal’ for nine months of anything but – we all have experienced some level of additional stress or worry this past year. Perhaps as you look to the start of a new year, you’re feeling like a dry, dusty shrub in a desert of emptiness.

If you’re feeling a bit beat up by 2020, then come find rest in Christ Jesus. Give Him your burdens, disappointments, and regrets, and take a cool drink of living water to start the new year. No matter how difficult life becomes, Jesus offers us hope, healing, and abundant life. So go ahead and take a drink; this living water is there for you whenever need it.

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