Topic: “FIRST PHASE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 11 December 2021 -

Topic: “FIRST PHASE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 11 December 2021

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READ: Luke 16:10-13

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might…” – Ecclesiastes 9:10

The best leader is someone who has been a follower for many years. Because you have done menial jobs, you are more reasonable with your subordinates. You understand what they are going through and do not give impossible commands. Some leaders do not know the implications of their instructions. They just say, “Get this done!” You must understand that getting certain things done may have far-reaching implications.

Also Read: Open Heaven 11 December 2021 –Topic: HEARKEN’TO THE VOICE OF WISDOM 

When studying the life of David, you soon learn that though he became king, he first performed many menial jobs.

In his father’s house, he was a shepherd. Whilst at the king’s palace, he did the work of a musician, servant, errand boy and armourbearer (1 Samuel 16:21). He wasn’t even a soldier! There are so many Christians who want to start out on top! But the only job that begins at the top is grave-digging!

If you study the background of many great people, you will discover that they once served at the lowest level in their profession. I have done nearly every kind of menial job in the church. I was a drummer, organist, cleaner and odd jobs man. All these have helped me to become a better leader. Do not shy away from menial jobs.

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