Topic: First Things First – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 25 June 2020 -

Topic: First Things First  – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 25 June 2020

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Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.–1 Corinthians 11:1If you ask people today, “Who is the most outstanding figure in human history?”, even many unbelievers will say, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Why is that? It’s because Jesus fulfilled all the ideals of personhood. In Him we see courage. In Him we see confidence. In Him we see conviction and all of the qualities we inherently want to possess.A university professor was once asked by his students why he became a Christian. He answered, “I became a Christian in order to become a man!” It’s one thing to be a man; it’s another thing to be God’s man. And Jesus demonstrates for all of us the fulfillment of perfect humanity.Yet sadly today, the lines that form the standard of what is upright and honorable have been blurred by the moral relativism of our culture. Because of this, many people today don’t bother discerning what’s right and what’s wrong anymore. But the truth is that every single person needs that kind of ideal which they can imitate with their lives.When you receive Jesus, you receive the fulfillment of all that He is. You can become the man or the woman that God designed you to be. No matter your status or your situation in life, Jesus can bring you back to Him and fulfill you when you do!BECOME THE PERSON GOD DESIGNED YOU TO BE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!

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