Topic: First Things First   – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 26 June 2020

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“You keep him in perfect peace
            whose mind is stayed on you,
            because he trusts in you.”
–Isaiah 26:3You don’t have to look far today to see that too many people lack joy in their lives. They’re like that little boy whose mother took him to Disneyland. He was right in the middle of Disneyland, “The Happiest Place on Earth,” just crying his eyes out. So his mother looked at him and said, “You’re going to have fun whether you like it or not!”So often today, people mistake happiness for joy. They think, “This made me happy, so it must be where I’m going to get the most out of life.” But the problem is that there are so many things today that can make you happy, but will never give you joy. They gratify, but they’ll never truly satisfy.Real joy comes about not because of our circumstances, but from our heart’s focus. Joy is a condition that surpasses our momentary afflictions and concentrates on the promises that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can bring you true joy.Stop looking for real and lasting joy in fleeting pleasures. Find your joy solely in Jesus Christ, trusting in His promises of deliverance and salvation from negative circumstances and entrusting yourself wholly to Him!INSTEAD OF FINDING JOY IN FLEETING PLEASURES, LOOK TO CHRIST TO GIVE YOU REAL AND LASTING PEACE NO MATTER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES! 

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