Topic: First Things First [Joyce Meyer Devotional 31 OCTOBER 2020]

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But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.— Matthew 6:33 (AMPC)

Often we don’t think about what our priorities are, but we still have them. Our priorities are whatever is first in our thoughts and in how we plan our time. Having real peace in our lives requires making God first—above all other things that demand our attention.

Our lives will not be blessed if we keep God in a little Sunday-morning box, only giving Him our priority attention for an hour a week during a church service. If Christians were putting Jesus first in everything, this world would be in much better condition. That’s why it’s critically important for us to keep Him first in every aspect of our daily life.

If you put God first in your finances, first in your time, first in your conversation, first in your thoughts, first in your decisions, your life will be a success—I am living evidence of this truth! Before I learned to put God first, I was living in the worst messes that anybody could have. I had such a bad attitude that I couldn’t think two positive thoughts in a row, I didn’t like anyone, and nobody liked me. The abuse in my childhood had left me full of bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. But thank God He got ahold of my heart! As I began to put Him first in every part of my life, I began to receive more and more of His healing and experience His restoring grace.

Over the years, I’ve trained myself to start each day by giving God the firstfruits of my time. I’ve realized that I’m not going to get through the day peacefully if I don’t spend time with God. When I do, though, the door is open for Him to strengthen me in everything I need to do.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me develop the habit of putting You first in every moment and part of my life. Thank You for being faithful! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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