Topic:  Fishers of Men – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 28 November 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES -

Topic:  Fishers of Men – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 28 November 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES

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Fishers of Men
by Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman


TEXT: “And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”.
Matthew 4 :19.

Soul-winning is a must. Few are called to be preachers or evangelists, but every child of God is called to be a Fisher of men. Every committed Christian has the opportunity to witness and lead sinners to Christ.

You may ask, “Why must I fish for the souls of men?” There are several reasons why you should. One reason is the worth of the soul (Mark 8 :36 – 37). A soul is worth more than the whole universe. Another reason is the reality of Hell. Whether you believe it or not, the final abode of an unsaved soul in eternity is Hell fire. Hell is a place of torment, darkness, pain and anguish forever. The third reason why you must fish for men’s souls is because of the suffering of Christ on the cross for each sinner.

With a crown of thorns on his head, nails in his hands, pains of his body, coupled with the loss of water and blood produced an agony so great that He cried, “I thirst”. Must Christ suffer in vain? Child of God, if you do not want this to be the case you must let sinners knows that Christ suffered and died to save their souls. The fourth reason is the emptiness, folly and vanity of this world.

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 November 2021 – Topic: WHO IS YOUR REAL ENEMY? 

As a born-again Christian, you must have discovered that the world is vain and passing away with all its lusts, but those in Christ shall in bliss forever. The greatest present you can give to anyone is Christ. This is because whosoever has Christ has all things (1 Cor. 3 :21).

Finally, you should fish for men’s souls because soul winners are wise. As a soul winner, you are not laboring in vain. Your reward for each soul won is great and sure (Daniel 12 :3).

PRAYER: My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray now, give me passion for soul winning.

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Omega Fire Ministries Rhema for Living 28 November 2021 |Sunday Daily Devotional from the Desk of Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman, Omega Fire Ministries International, Auchi Edo State

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